Wir danken den Organisatoren um Robert Austin für ein gutes Turnier und den Chefjuroren Dearbhail O'Crowley, Nick Long und Andrew Ford für starke Motions, die eine herausfordernde letzte Vorbereitung für die Europameisterschaft darstellten. Nun freuen wir uns auf Galway!
Hier alle Themen im Überblick:
- 1. Vorrunde: This house would prioritize the educational needs of the most intelligent.
- 2. Vorrunde: It is 1999. This house would cast a black boy as Harry Potter.
- 3. Vorrunde: As a resource-rich Islamic theocracy, this house would refuse to trade with non-Islamic countries.
- 4. Vorrunde: This house believes that feminists should campaign for fathers' rights.
- Halbfinale: This house believes there is no general right to religious freedom.
- Finale: As a United States Supreme Court Justice, regardless of the legal merits of the case, this house would vote for gay marriage.